Thursday, 28 February 2019

6 Ways to Reduce Your Child's Sugary Snacking (Part 2 of 3)

Skip the Soda
Call it soda, call it pop. But sugary, carbonated beverages by any name are bad news for your child’s teeth. “One can of soda is the amount of sugar recommended for three days for a child,” Dr. Hayes says.

In fact, a February 2016 study in the Journal of the American Dental Association found a strong association between sugary drinks and poor dental health in teenagers. Researchers asked teens 14-19 in Mexico about how many sugary beverages they drank, then examined their teeth. They found 31.7% had tooth erosion, which means their enamel had been eaten away. The main culprit? Soda. 

Be Picky About Sticky Snacks
If you’ve been under the impression that gummy or sticky fruit snacks are healthy alternatives, you’re not alone. Many parents are surprised to learn they are really closer to candy than fruit, especially when it comes to sugar. “Fruit rollups and other dried fruit snacks are like nature’s candy,” Dr. Shenkin says. “It is like candy, but in some respect it’s worse than candy because it sticks to teeth longer than things like milk chocolate, which is easier to wash away.”

Foods like raisins, which are often promoted as an all-natural snack option, can be troublesome. “The raisin is one of the worst foods because they’re so sticky and they actually adhere to teeth and stay there for an extended amount of time,” he says. “The sugar in that food is being consumed by the bacteria in our mouth during that time.”

To read the entire article visit

Westside Dentistry  
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD   
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A 
El Paso, TX 79912  
(915) 581-1511

Monday, 25 February 2019

Flossing - Bad Breath Killer

Flossing As Prevention For Bad Breath
Need another reason to floss your teeth at least once a day? Flossing daily helps improve bad breath by effectively removing the food particles and bacteria that contribute to it. That makes flossing one of the easiest ways to prevent and banish bad breath.

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is more common than many people realize. You may joke about bad breath, whether it’s your own or someone else’s, but it’s an important oral health issue. Bad breath can be more than an embarrassing social problem-it can be a sign of disease or illness.

Saliva is Your Friend
Less saliva means that your mouth is more susceptible to plaque buildup, which can create an unpleasant smell on your breath. Pay extra attention to any of the following circumstances that can reduce the saliva in your mouth and promote bad breath:

  • Drinking alcohol. Alcohol-containing beverages may promote a dry mouth and cause bad breath. So don’t forget to floss after an evening out on the town, no matter how much you’re tempted to hop into bed and forget about it.
  • Early morning. Saliva stops flowing while you sleep, so you may be prone to bad breath in the morning. If so, mornings may be the best time for your daily dental flossing.
  • Being hungry or thirsty. When you’re dehydrated, there’s not as much saliva in your mouth, so you’re prone to bad breath and increased bacterial buildup. Drink enough fluids and remember to floss. Also, remember that chewing food increases the saliva in your mouth, so if you’re skipping meals or dieting, you may develop bad breath.

If you’re dieting and eating less frequently, a mint floss can not only help bad breath by removing bacteria, it may help you with your diet by providing a fresh taste in your mouth that makes you less tempted to snack. People who are following extremely low carbohydrate diets also sometimes report bad breath, but these reports are anecdotal. If you’re on a low-carb diet, or any restrictive diet, you may be promoting bad breath. If you must restrict your food intake and eat infrequently, drink plenty of water to help maintain the level of saliva in your mouth to help prevent bad breath in addition to following a good oral care routine.

To read the entire article please visit:

7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511

Thursday, 21 February 2019

6 Ways to Reduce Your Child's Sugary Snacking (Part 1 of 3)

When working with her young patients, pediatric dentist and ADA spokesperson Dr. Mary Hayes teaches them this simple, but important, saying: “Sugar is fun to eat, but not good for your teeth!”

That’s because your child might love sweet treats, but the bacteria in his or her mouth loves them even more. “Sucrose (sugar) is the ‘food’ for the bacteria that cause tooth decay,” Dr. Hayes says. “Those bacteria produce acid that etches away the teeth.”

Limiting the amount of sugar your entire family eats is good for your teeth and key to your overall health. Here are some dentist-recommended ways to start saying good-bye to unnecessary sugar throughout the day.

Know the Limits
When choosing a snack, keep an eye on added sugar (sweeteners like corn syrup or white sugar that are added to prepared foods). Naturally occurring sugars are less worrisome, as they are found in healthy choices like milk and fruit.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that people age 3 and older should consume no more than 12.5 tsp. each day of added sugar. (The same as one can of soda.) The World Health Organization states that adults should consume no more than 6 tsp. of added sugar, and children should have no more than 3 tsp. 

When reading labels, you’ll see sugar is listed in grams. Since 1 tsp. of sugar equals 4 grams, aim to make sure the foods you are feeding your child fall between 12 to 50 grams a day.

The Truth About Juice
Because juice is high in sugar and calories, water and milk are always the best options for your little one. In fact, if your child is under 1 years old, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests completely removing juice from his or her diet. 

Older children can occasionally drink juice, but if they do, there are two things to remember:

  • Children ages 1-6 should have no more than 4-6 oz. of juice each day, according to pediatric guidelines. Children ages 7 to 18 should drink no more than 8-12 oz. (Many juice boxes are about 6 oz., so younger children should have no more than one per day, and older children no more than two.)
  • Allowing your child to sip on juice throughout the day puts him or her at higher risk for tooth decay because you’re giving that cavity-causing bacteria more opportunities to eat and produce the acid that eats away at teeth. This can also happen with juice that is watered down. “Even though the volume of sugar has decreased, you’ve added the time that it takes to drink it,” says ADA spokesperson Dr. Jonathan Shenkin.

So what’s a parent to do? Limit the amount of juice your children drink, and always offer water or milk first. If your child does drink juice, serve the recommended, age-appropriate limits at mealtimes only. When your family is done eating, clean up any leftover juice instead of letting your children leave the table with it.

To read the entire article visit

Westside Dentistry  
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD   
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A 
El Paso, TX 79912  
(915) 581-1511

Monday, 18 February 2019

Tongue Scrapers Offer An Option For Halitosis

How Tongue Scrapers Work
If you suffer from halitosis, or chronic bad breath, you’re probably looking for ways to help manage the problem. If so, consider a tongue scraper. They’re relatively inexpensive and available at most pharmacies. Tongue scrapers are often touted as the way to improve bad breath, but there is very little research to show that they are any more effective than simply brushing the tongue with your toothbrush as part of your toothbrushing routine.

Trying a tongue scraper can’t hurt, and they’re easy to use. Simply hold the scraper at the back of your tongue, and bring it forward, scraping gently but firmly along the tongue as you go.

Although tongue scrapers are harmless, you can probably prevent halitosis just as well by following a consistent oral care routine of twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing. And keep these points in mind as part of your daily oral hygiene plan:

  • Keep your toothbrush fresh. Be sure to replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months, even if you don’t have bad breath, but especially if you do.
  • Keep an extra brush at work. Keep a spare toothbrush and toothpaste at work so you can brush your teeth after lunch.
  • Drink plenty of water. Keeping your mouth moist helps minimize the amount of bacteria in your mouth that can cause bad breath.

The above article is from:

7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511

Friday, 15 February 2019

Beat Your Bad Breath

What are Common Bad Breath Causes?

If you suffer from chronic, severe bad breath, also known as halitosis, it's important to identify the cause so you can determine an effective treatment.

Halitosis has many causes, including the following:

  • Tobacco use. If you smoke, quit. Your bad breath may be due to other causes, too, but tobacco use is a guarantee of bad breath. If you are ready to quit, ask your doctor or dentist for advice and support.
  • What you eat, or don't eat. Certain foods, such as garlic, contribute to bad breath, but only temporarily. Once they are absorbed into the bloodstream, the smell is expelled through the breath, but the odors remain until the body processes the food, so there’s no quick fix.
  • Dry mouth. If your mouth is extremely dry, there is not enough saliva to wash away excess food particles and bacteria, which can cause an unpleasant smell if they build up on the teeth.
  • Infections. Bad breath that seems to have no other cause may indicate an infection elsewhere in the body. If you have chronic bad breath and your dentist rules out any oral problems, see your doctor for an evaluation. Bad breath can be a sign of a range of conditions including respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, diabetes, or liver and kidney problems, so it's important not to ignore the problem.

The best way to improve bad breath is to follow a thorough oral care routine including twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing to remove the food particles and bacteria that can cause bad breath. Mouthwashes only improve bad breath for the short term, and if you have a chronic problem, your dentist may suggest an antimicrobial rinse to help keep bacteria at bay.

The above article is from:

7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Promote Oral Health With Good Nutrition

Calcium And Vitamin C Promote Oral Health
Eating a variety of nutritious food is good for your overall health, including your oral health. Some vitamins in particular have demonstrated benefits to building healthy teeth, namely calcium and vitamin C, so be sure to include foods rich in these nutrients in your diet. Calcium has been shown to help build strong teeth, and vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that also plays an important role in collagen synthesis, by which it helps you develop and maintain healthy gums.

  • Calcium: Dairy products, including milk, yogurt and cheese are good sources of calcium. Many physicians recommend 1,200 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily for most adults, so you may want to consider a calcium supplement, especially if dairy products aren’t a regular part of your diet. Also, try switching to low-sugar or sugar-free varieties of yogurt, since sugar (and bacteria) can promote tooth decay.
  • Vitamin C: Many fruits and vegetables including berries, oranges and cantaloupe, as well as green vegetables including broccoli and spinach are excellent sources of vitamin C.

Of course, in addition to eating right, it’s important to follow a consistent dental care routine of twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing to promote oral health. And be sure to see your dental professional regularly and talk to them if you have questions about how your diet might affect your oral health.

The above article is from:

7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511

Monday, 11 February 2019

The Benefits of Good Oral Hygiene

The Cost Of Dental Treatments
If you develop complications from tooth decay and gum disease, you may be dealing with bills for anything from fillings or crowns to more costly and complicated procedures such as root canals or oral surgery to extract damaged teeth and place dental implants.

The Costs Vary 
The costs of dental treatments vary. For example, the cost of a root canal will depend on the location of the tooth and how many canals are in the tooth that needs the root canal treatment. 

The Cost of Oral Hygiene
By comparison, the cost of basic oral hygiene and preventive teeth cleaning is low. A toothbrush should be replaced every three months or when it appears worn, but that’s just a few dollars. The same goes for dental floss, whether you prefer specialized floss, such as Oral-B’s Ultra Floss, or standard floss. 

Points To Remember
Also, don’t forget that most dental plans cover at least one, and sometimes two, checkups and cleanings per year at little or no cost to you. It’s better to make and keep those appointments, even if you don’t think you have problems with your teeth or oral hygiene, in order to identify and manage potential problems before costly care is required. Remember that your dentist is your partner in oral health, and be sure to keep him or her informed about medications you take and changes in your overall health so your oral hygiene can be tailored accordingly to maximize your health benefits. Some types of medications (including anti-depressants and some heart medications) increase your risk for gingivitis, so be sure to let your dentist know if you start taking any new medication, even if you don’t think it will affect your oral health. 

The above article is from:

7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511

Friday, 8 February 2019

Take Care of Cold Sores

How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores
It’s easy to get them confused, but cold sores are not the same as canker sores. Cold sores are red blisters that appear on the lips as a result of infection with the herpes simplex virus. They almost never occur inside the mouth and they are not associated with gum disease. By contrast, canker sores, which are not associated with herpes or gum disease, almost always occur inside the mouth.

Usually, cold sores last for seven to 10 days, after which time the pus-filled blisters will rupture and ooze. Fortunately, cold sores usually heal without leaving scars. Most cold sores will resolve without treatment, but you can apply a topical medication such as lidocaine or benzyl alcohol to relieve pain and itching.

If you develop a cold sore, avoid skin-to-skin contact. And don’t share razors, eating utensils, or towels-those are other ways the infection spreads to other people. If you have frequent cold sores, or a cold sore that doesn’t go away after seven to 10 days, talk to your doctor.

It can be hard to reduce the risk of cold sores, but it certainly won’t hurt to maintain a consistent personal hygiene routine including regular hand washing. Also, using a lip balm with sun block throughout the year, not just during the summer, can help prevent cold sores, too.

The above article is from:

7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

8 Bad Brushing Habits to Break in 2019 (Part 3 of 3)

Improper Brushing Technique 

Here's one technique to try for a thorough brush: First, place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gums. Then, gently move the brush back and forth in short (tooth-wide) strokes. Next, brush the outer surfaces, the inner surfaces, and the chewing surfaces of the teeth. Finally, To clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, tilt the brush vertically and make several up-and-down strokes.

Using a Brush That's Not the Best Fit for You 

There are many toothbrushes that can leave your teeth fresh and clean, including manual and power brushes that carry the ADA Seal of Acceptance. Both get the job done. Try different types until you find one you're comfortable with. For example, a power brush can be easier to hold and does some of the work for you if you have trouble brushing. No matter which you choose remember that it's not all about the brush- a clean mouth is really up to the brusher!

To read the entire article visit

Westside Dentistry  
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD   
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A 
El Paso, TX 79912  
(915) 581-1511

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Get Familiar With Oral Thrush

What Is Oral Thrush?
Oral thrush, also known as candidiasis, can occur in anyone of any age, from babies to the elderly. Oral thrush is a condition that occurs when a fungus called candida albicans builds up on the lining of the mouth. The result is white lesions on the tongue or inner cheeks.

Oral thrush can sometimes be confused with leukoplakia. But leukoplakia lesions are caused by chronic irritation from rough edges on teeth, fillings or crowns, not by an organism. And leukoplakia lesions develop over time, while thrush lesions may develop suddenly. A thrush infection can spread and involve the roof of the mouth and the gums, where it can cause symptoms such as redness and irritation. See your dentist if you have any type of lesions on your tongue or in your mouth so you can determine the cause of the problem and plan a course of treatment. The goal in treating thrush is to stop the infection from spreading.

Healthy babies and children may not need treatment-the lesions may resolve on their own. Sometimes adding yogurt to you or your child’s diet may do the trick and reset the bacterial imbalance caused by the excess amount of the thrush fungus.

People with HIV or other immunosuppressive illness are at increased risk for the infection to spread. If you are in this category, your doctor or dentist may recommend an antifungal medication.

To prevent thrush from occurring or recurring, follow a consistent oral health care routine, and try to include yogurt with live, active cultures in your diet, especially if you take antibiotics for a chronic condition. Frequent use of antibiotics can promote the growth of the Candida fungus because they upset the natural mixture of microorganisms in the body.

The above article is from:

7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511

Friday, 1 February 2019

What to Know About Gingivitis

What Is Gingivitis?
Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease caused by the buildup of plaque bacteria on the tissues that surround the teeth. Plaque, a naturally occurring biofilm containing bacteria, can lead to gingivitis if not removed by daily brushing. 

Who Can Get Gingivitis?
Gingivitis is quite prevalent. But while almost 80% of adults will experience some symptoms of gingivitis, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s inevitable. It’s important to note that occasionally there might be no noticeable pain or apparent signs, leaving people unaware that they have it. That’s another good reason to schedule regular checkups with your dental professional every six months so he or she can identify it and suggest treatment options.

Gingivitis Symptoms
Some symptoms of gingivitis include red, swollen, and bleeding gums. Chronic gingivitis can lead to periodontitis and chronic bad breath. If these symptoms persist, it's important to talk with your dental professional to determine the best treatment. In the meantime, learn what you can do to protect against gingivitis.

To read the entire article visit

7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511