Ask about all the options for calming your child during dental procedures
Dental work can be scary for some kids. Talk with your dentist about ways to help your child stay calm. Tips for a successful dental visit can include making sure your child is not hungry before their dental appointment and scheduling an appointment at the proper time of day.
For jaw pain, try conservative treatments first
Jaw pain can be caused by stress, arthritis or an injury. A treatment plan for jaw pain should first consist of actions like exercises and anti-inflammatory drugs.
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Learn more about the connection between your teeth and what you eat.
Cosmetic Makeovers in as Few as Two Visits!
If you have misshapen teeth, unsightly gaps, or dark discoloration, our porcelain veneers may be the fix you’re looking for. These veneers will quickly and painlessly give the appearance of evening out crooked teeth so they look like they’ve had years of orthodontics. Veneers are very thin, but durable, sheets of advanced dental ceramic. They are bonded to your teeth to make them appear straight and even, creating a pleasing smile. Another common dental issue is chipped, cracked or worn-down teeth. Veneers can be attached to a tooth to conceal the chipping or crack and also to reshape a misshapen tooth. The veneer matches the color of your surrounding teeth and looks the same as natural teeth.
Westside Dentistry
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511
Use toothpaste with fluoride for infants and children
For children younger than 3 years, you should begin brushing a child’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste in an amount no larger than a grain of rice. For children 3 to 6 years of age, use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.
Consider sealants to prevent decay or treat beginning cavities on the back teeth
Dental sealants act as a barrier to prevent cavities. They are a plastic material applied by a dentist to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth where decay occurs most often.
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Learn more about how your lifestyle can affect your oral health.
Are You Concerned about Having a Tooth Knocked Out?
Roughly 5 million teeth are knocked out yearly in the U.S. Many sports are dangerous without proper mouth protection. The generic mouthguards found in stores often don’t fit well. Wearing these, it’s difficult to breathe properly while engaging in physical activity during sports. However, custom sports mouthguards fit well, protect very well, and can be worn as protection for any sport. The American Dental Association recommends the use of custom mouthguards for these sports: basketball, boxing, field hockey, football, gymnastics, hockey, martial arts, racquetball, rugby, skateboarding, skiing, skydiving, soccer, surfing, volleyball, water polo, lifting weights, and wrestling.
Westside Dentistry
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511
Learn more about dental care and your overall health.
All-Natural Xylitol – A Sweet Sugar Alternative
Xylitol is a natural substance that can be found in fruits, berries, mushrooms, and some vegetables. Even our bodies produce about 5 to 10 grams each day. It is effective in halting tooth decay created by foods that are high in sugar or starch. Over 25 years of clinical testing confirms xylitol is one the best sweeteners for healthy teeth. It has the endorsements of dental associations in Finland, Norway, Sweden, England, Ireland, Estonia, and the Netherlands.
Xylitol can be found in a variety of products such as chewing gum, tablets, toothpaste, mouthwash, and candy. In our practice, we offer and encourage patients to enjoy xylitol products. Make this part of your plan to combat cavities and tooth decay by asking us about xylitol!
Westside Dentistry
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511
Below is an excerpt from an article found on
Over a decade of research has proven bleaching and other whitening methods to be both safe and effective. Several products in the market today have shown no adverse effects on teeth or gums in substantial clinical and laboratory testing. Be sure to look for clinically proven products, follow directions and consult with your dental professional.
In the past, the higher bleach concentrations used in-office treatment resulted in more sensitivity. Today, however, bleaching gels are well buffered, making sensitivity less of an issue. Sensitivity may occur in people after whitening procedures, particularly when they eat hot or cold foods, but usually disappears after 48 hours and stops completely when treatment is stopped.
If you do experience sensitivity, there are several ways you can help eliminate it:
- If using a tray applicator, wear the tray for a shorter period
- Brush with a toothpaste made for sensitive teeth that contains potassium nitrate to help soothe tooth nerve ending
- Ask your dentist or pharmacist for a product with fluoride, which helps re-mineralize your teeth. Brush-on or wear in your trays four minutes prior to and after whitening your teeth
- Stop whitening your teeth for several days to allow you teeth to adapt to the whitening process. Within 24 hours, the sensitivity will cease. The longer you whiten your teeth, the less sensitivity you will experience
In a few cases, your dentist may discourage dental bleaching:
- If you have gum disease, teeth with worn enamel, cavities or particularly sensitive teeth
- If you're pregnant or breast-feeding
- If you have tooth-colored crowns, caps or other dental work in your front teeth, which can't be bleached
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Dental veneers are thin pieces of tooth-colored porcelain cemented to the front surfaces of your natural teeth, and are an easy way to address a variety of physical and aesthetic problems. Because they're also permanent, however, you'll need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of the procedure before you decide to get them. Here are six things to think about and discuss with your dentist.
Pro #1: Easily Whiten Your Smile
Years of drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes or eating highly pigmented foods eventually take their toll on your teeth, turning them an unattractive shade of yellow or brown. Stained enamel can be bleached at home or by your dentist, but it can become stained again. If you're looking for an easier way to whiten your smile for good, dental veneers may be a good fit for you. Veneers are largely stain-resistant, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), so you won't have to worry about discoloration or needing to have your veneers whitened.
To read the entire article written by Jennifer Mitchell , please visit
Westside Dentistry
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511
A crown is a tooth-shaped cover placed over a tooth that is badly damaged or decayed. Many people call it a cap.
Crowns may be placed for several reasons. Usually the tooth has been broken or severely damaged by decay. As a result, a filling can't replace enough of the tooth or make the tooth strong enough. A crown may hold together parts of a cracked tooth. It also can be used to hold a bridge in place. Crowns can be used to improve appearance as well. They may be placed to cover misshapen or badly discolored teeth.
Crowns can be made ahead of time (prefabricated) or made to order in a laboratory. Prefabricated crowns are made of plastic or stainless steel. They can be used on a temporary basis until a permanent crown is made.
Crowns can be made of:
- All metal
- Zirconia
- Porcelain fused to metal (PFM)
- Porcelain fused to zirconia
- All ceramic
Metals include gold alloy, other alloys (palladium) or a base-metal alloy (nickel or chromium). The all-metal or PFM crowns are stronger and are better choices for back teeth than ceramic crowns. PFM and all-ceramic crowns are the same color as your natural teeth. They look just like normal teeth.
To read the entire article , please visit
Westside Dentistry
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511
Proper oral hygiene is of course indispensable for maintaining a bright smile, but there is one other important bit of advice: Watch what you eat and drink. Certain foods and beverages can discolor teeth. If you want to protect your pearly whites, read on for some common culprits that stain your teeth.
Pasta Sauce
Because of their acidity, bright red hue and tendency to cling to the teeth, the tomatoes in pasta sauce can leave your teeth vulnerable to staining. Dine on some dark green veggies, such as broccoli, kale and spinach, beforehand to create a protective film over the teeth. The film will ward off tomatoes' staining effect, so spring for a green salad as an appetizer.
Curry, a spice that works well in Indian food and exotic dishes, is also a cause of discolored teeth. Its deep pigmentation can yellow teeth over time. Due to its high staining factor, curry is something you may want to limit in your diet. Whenever you dine on curry-spiced food, mix in fresh fruits and vegetables that prevent stains, such as apples, carrots, cauliflower and celery.
To read the entire article written by Margie Monin Dombrowski , please visit
Westside Dentistry
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511