Below is an excerpt from an article found on
What is Bruxism?
If you find yourself waking up with sore jaw muscles or a headache, you may be suffering from bruxism - the grinding and clenching of teeth. Bruxism can cause teeth to become painful or loose, and sometimes parts of the teeth are literally ground away. Eventually, bruxism can destroy the surrounding bone and gum tissue. It can also lead to problems involving the jaw joint, such as temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ).
How do I Know if I Have Bruxism?
For many people, bruxism is an unconscious habit. They may not even realize they're doing it until someone comments that they make a horrible grinding sound while sleeping. For others, a routine dental checkup is when they discover their teeth are worn or their tooth enamel is fractured.
Other potential signs of bruxism include aching in the face, head and neck. Your dentist can make an accurate diagnosis and determine if the source of facial pain is a result from bruxism.
How is Bruxism Treated?
The appropriate treatment for you will depend on what is causing the problem. By asking careful questions and thoroughly examining your teeth, your dentist can help you determine the potential source of your bruxism. Based on the amount of tooth damage and its likely cause, your dentist may suggest:
- Wearing an appliance while sleeping - custom-made by your dentist to fit your teeth, the appliance slips over the upper teeth and protects them from grinding against the lower teeth. While an appliance is a good way to manage bruxism, it is not a cure.
- Finding ways to relax - Because everyday stress seems to be a major cause of bruxism, anything that reduces stress can help-listening to music, reading a book, taking a walk or a bath. It may help to seek counseling to learn effective ways for handling stressful situations. Also, applying a warm, wet washcloth to the side of your face can help relax muscles sore from clenching.
- Reducing the "high spots" of one or more teeth to even your bite - An abnormal bite, one in which teeth do not fit well together, may also be corrected with new fillings, crowns or orthodontics.
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Learn more about the importance of saliva.
Why Losing Teeth Can be Bad
Teeth may be lost from an accident or other trauma, but the most common cause for tooth loss is gum disease and/or decay. So, why is it a big problem if you lose a tooth? First, losing even one tooth can cause the other teeth to shift. This can affect how you chew and your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food. Other unpleasant things can happen; your face contour can change shape, often looking “sunken.” This can cause you to appear much older. Your speech can also be impacted. Since it’s more difficult to chew with missing teeth, you may find yourself avoiding tougher food choices and instead selecting food that contains more carbohydrates. This in turn can cause you to gain weight. The best approach for treating a missing tooth (or multiple missing teeth) is with dental implants. An implant can replace any number of teeth. They can look so much like natural teeth that even a dentist has to look closely to tell there’s a difference.
Westside Dentistry
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511
Below is an excerpt from an article found on that was written by Steve Auger
When you hear the word "X-ray," there's a tendency to envision a youngster sitting around an ER waiting to see if he or she has a broken bone incurred playing sports or just horsing around. But X-rays are just as important to dentists' offices as they are to those of orthopedists. A teeth X-ray is invaluable to any dentist in the maintenance of good oral health when treating a patient. Here's exactly what they are and how dentists incorporate them into their practices.
Your dentist visually examines all aspects of your teeth and gums during a typical checkup. A teeth X-ray, however, is a diagnostic tool that allows your dentist to gauge your mouth health through factors he can't see with the naked eye, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). Also called radiographs, X-rays can reveal common issues such as cavities, tooth decay and periodontal disease, all the way to more complex problems such as jaw infections and oral cysts. X-rays aren't just for adults though. Dentists take x-rays of children's teeth for some of the same reasons as adults but also some different reasons.
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The remainder of the article details the following:
- Children and the dentist
- Reasons for child teeth x-rays
- X-ray safety for children
Learn more about why gums recede.
Isolite™ — Making Your Visit More Comfortable
We are excited to offer a new technology that makes dental care a lot more comfortable. This device is called Isolite. It’s a suction device with a bright light that illuminates the mouth and eliminates any shadows. Here’s what this means to you.
- Patients find they spend about a third less time at their dental visits.
- Patients don’t get a “drowning” or “gagging” impulse because there is no saliva buildup.
- Debris won’t be accidentally swallowed since your mouth is continuously being “vacuumed.”
- Your mouth doesn’t get tired since you aren’t holding it open yourself during extended treatment.
- The strong illumination helps the team with accuracy.
Effective dentistry requires a dry “field” for best possible results. The Isolite device keeps teeth and gums dry and usually eliminates the necessity for a cumbersome rubber dam.
Westside Dentistry
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511
Learn more about the treatment for abscessed teeth.
One Dental Visit for Your Whitest, Brightest Smile
The best way to get a white smile is from professional-strength whitening. You might have seen this type of in-office whitening on television. It’s called power teeth whitening. It allows you to have a brilliantly white smile, free of stains or darkness, in just one dental visit. And the results may last for years!
Westside Dentistry
Stephen J. Kimball, DMD
7181 Westwind Dr., Suite A
El Paso, TX 79912
(915) 581-1511
Crush, Don’t Cube
Ice may be your best friend on a hot day, but it's no friend to your teeth. That's because chewing on hard foods, such as ice, can leave your teeth vulnerable to a dental emergency such as a broken tooth and can even damage enamel. If you can, put cans and bottles in a huge tub of ice so your guests won’t be tempted to crunch a few cubes when they’re done with their drinks. If you need ice to put in a glass, use crushed

Serve Infused Water
Soda and sports drinks are some of the worst drinks for your teeth. They eat away at your teeth, cause dry mouth and are full of sugar. Water, however, is one of the best things you can sip, so serve up a healthy drink with a twist of whatever fruit you’d like. Infused waters are low in sugar and super hydrating. (Just go easy on citrus fruits. The acid in lemons and limes can be harsh on your teeth.) Bonus: Pitchers of infused water will also look beautiful on your table.

Keep Gum Handy
Your guests may be looking for something to freshen their breath after dinner. Swap out a bowl of mints for a dish of sugar-free gum. Studies using gum with the ADA Seal show that chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes following meals may help prevent tooth decay. Chewing sugar-free gum gets saliva flowing to wash away food and fights acids produced by cavity-causing bacteria from eating away your teeth.
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